Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Plan B (not from outer space)

Feminism is a tricky word to get around.  If there is something that is exclusive to the female anatomy and/or condition and you are not 100% for the woman to have 100% control over said thing than you are anti-feminist, even if gender roles play no part in your opinion making.

Case-in-point: Plan B.  As a staunch Catholic, the only "Plans" I agree with are those that come from outer space and are of 9 or higher (because it involves the resurrection of the end... and His kingdom will have no end).  Plan B is counter to all this because 1) it is not numerical and B)it dose not bring life from the dead but actually quite the opposite.

I understand things like abortions exist, I understand the string of logic that feminists fallow to conclude that things like abortion are somehow a good thing.  To me, it dose't matter if abortion is legal or illegal, it's just something that you shouldn't do, kinda like the death penalty.

What bothered me the most over the news of the Plan B trying to get over-the-counter status isn't so much the life-preventing moral dilemma- the Plan B pill is simply abhorish- but it's the fact that this is simply a way for big pharmacy to make more money.

Whatever reasoning there is behind creating the Plan B pill, this reason is not extended by having it over-the-counter.  Pills that go over-the-counter sell more.  The reason behind the makers of this pill wanting it to be over-the-counter is the same reasoning why, to an extent, stores put candy bars at the check out isle- sales.

Giving 15 year-old girls an option to terminate a fetus with a pill that is readily available to girls 17 and older dose not empower that 15 year old girl any more, on a practical level.  At 15 I was able to obtain alcohol, and I didn't even "need it", I'm sure is more than possible for a girl to get the Plan B pill- heaven forbid she should have to ask her mom or sister or friend for help obtaining it.  If you're under 15 than and need a Plan B pill than you either made a series of bad decisions or having to drive to the CVS on the other side of town so you older friend can buy you one is the LEST of your problems.

Hearing talking points by feminists of why it should be over-the-counter ("what if the pharmacy is closed?" Oh, well you have 3 days to use it, I'm so terribly sorry that if you loose legs should cause you a second inconvenient trip to the store the next day) lead me to believe the feminism, much like any other subculture, can be co-opted by big business and molded for their own purposes- money, not women's rights.

Feminists that support Plan B being over-the-counter, not only do you have the right to abortions but you also, almost completely, have access to the Plan B pill.  If you should always choose to take an absolutist view on these things... than you are no better than the evangelicals that you loath.  And just as the republican party exploits them, big pharmacy exploits you on this issue.

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